Ø£Ùضل مدينة على وجه الأرض?
Canada’s major cities typically score highly in “best city” rankings. ÙانكوÙر is frequently named among the أعلى المدن ÙÙŠ العالم للعيش, Ùˆ تورونتو also ranks high on many “best of” scales.
لكن ÙÙŠ الآونة الأخيرة سجل نتائج على الازدهار تقرير, compiled by the تورنتو مجلس التجارة (the city’s chamber of commerce), reached a different conclusion: على أساس القدرة على المناÙسة الاقتصادية as well as overall quality of life, Ùˆ “Ø£Ùضل مدينة على وجه الأرض” هو…كالجاري.
لماذا كالجاري? The report noted that:
Calgary’s blistering economy over the past five years may have powered it to the top, لكن its overall favourable environment provides a solid basis for attracting and keeping people. ÙÙŠ مجال الاقتصاد ÙˆØده, كالجاري يكسب 7 "ألÙ" الدرجات, coming in as the top performer in five indicators: employment growth, نمو الدخل, unemployment rate, non-residential building permit growth Ùˆ مجموع ضريبة مؤشر (TTI). On measures of Labour Attractiveness, قوة كالجاري يأتي من له low incidence of low-income population, low homicide rate Ùˆ, somewhat surprisingly, its relative housing affordability.
الترتيب Ùقط وراء كالجاري كان دالاس وهونج كونج, ÙÙŠ #2 Ùˆ #3, على التوالي. Fourth-place was a four-way tie between Toronto, بوسطن, لندن, ونيويورك. اختتام قمة 10 وكان ÙانكوÙر وسياتل (تعادل لل #8) Ùˆ كيبيك سيتي ÙÙŠ #10.
ومع ذلك, the data for this report was compiled when the economy was still flying high, leading the authors to conclude that “Calgary’s continued domination is currently under threat, as weaker energy prices and tighter credit conditions have slowed oil and gas activity in the province of Alberta.”
Ùˆ full report is available as a PDF file or in an abbreviated online presentation version.
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