الجودة وتكلÙØ© الØياة ÙÙŠ الولايات المتØدة مقابل كندا
هل هو أرخص للعيش ÙÙŠ الامريكية. أو كندا? And which country offers a better quality of life?
صدر مؤخرا Investopia بعد, الولايات المتØدة. أو كندا: البلد الذي هو Ø£Ùضل لنداء الوطن?, considered a variety of factors, including average salaries, تكلÙØ© الغذاء وغيرها من المواد الØياة اليومية, الرعاية الصØية, post-secondary education, والإجازة الوالدية.
While the analysis was perhaps oversimplified, the conclusions were:
Average salaries are similar ÙÙŠ بلدين.
General cost of living is somewhat higher in Canada. الغذاء التكاليÙ, in particular, أعلى ÙÙŠ كندا.
Cost of post-secondary education is much lower in Canada.
تكالي٠الرعاية الصØية أعلى بكثير ÙÙŠ الامريكية., and health insurance is not universally available.
Canada has much more generous social services, including its parental leave policy.
The summary? على المدى البعيد, families will fare better in Canada, because of the lower health and education costs and more liberal social policies.
ما رأيك? Are there other important factors to consider in assessing cost and quality of life?
If you’ve moved between the U.S. وكندا, يرجى ترك التعليق وتجربتكم.
Quebec City grocery photo by LIONS (Ùليكر)