Articles in Immigration

Want to raise your kids abroad? Here’s a new reason to consider living in Canada.
In the 2012 HSBC Expat Explorer survey, Canada was the top choice among expat parents.
The country scored …

Immigrant students in Canada are more successful in school than students who are native-born.
A story in today’s Globe & Mail reports that newcomers to Canada “post stronger scores on standardized math and science tests …

Where are the best places to live in Canada?
The MoneySense 2012 Best Places to Live survey rated 190 Canadian communities with at least 10,000 residents, comparing 22 different factors such as weather, incomes and …

“Economic woes in the U.S. are driving Americans across the northern border in near-record numbers as they seek better job opportunities and cheaper education in Canada.”
That’s according to a recent CTV News report, …

A 92-year-old Ontario woman, who immigrated to Canada in 1947, finally became a citizen this month, the Globe & Mail reported:
For more than 64 years, British-born Cynthia England has called Canada home: She’s …