Haben Kanadier lieben Obama zu viel?
Nach Präsident Obama’s one-day whirlwind visit to Ottawa yesterday, which was accompanied by much gushing in the Canadian press, several commentators are wondering whether Canadians might love the new U.S. leader a little too much.
Wie Andrew Coyne für gebloggt Macleans.ca:
Dies ist nur. So. Peinlich. Wenn es anything less attractive than the anti-American streak in our national character — a trait made worse, one suspects, for our neighbours’ sunny indifference to our seething — it is our tendency to prostrate ourselves before American celebrities. And they don’t get any more celebritous than Barack Obama.
In der Globe and Mail, Kolumnist Margaret Wente schrieb:
Gruß, Herr. Präsident!
Willkommen in Kanada! I can’t tell you how thrilled we are that you are coming up to see us, wenn auch nur für das Mittagessen. Gemessen an der Medienrummel, Ihren Besuch zählt bis es mit der Wiederkunft. My girlfriends haven’t been this excited since the Beatles came to town (not that you’d remember them). Sie, Auch, were more popular than Jesus.
And writing in the Vancouver Sun, reporter Barbara Yaffe contended that:
Aufregung in Ottawa around the presidential visit könnte nicht größer gewesen sein had the guest of honour been Mick Jagger, die Königin oder der Weihnachtsmann.
Mindestens Obama gab etwas Liebe zurück zu seinem neuen kanadischen Freunde. “I love this country,” he said, “and I don’t think we could have a better friend and ally.”