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Die beste Stadt der Welt?

Verfasst von April 9, 2009 – 10:33 amNo Comment

Photo ©Carolyn B. HellerCanada’s major cities typically score highly inbest cityrankings. Vancouver is frequently named among the Top-Städte der Welt zu leben, und Toronto also ranks high on manybest ofscales.

Aber die jüngsten Scorecard auf den Wohlstand Bericht, compiled by the Toronto Board of Trade (the city’s chamber of commerce), reached a different conclusion: basierend auf Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Wirtschaft as well as overall quality of life, der “beste Stadt der Welt” ist…Calgary.

Warum Calgary? The report noted that:

Calgary’s blistering economy over the past five years may have powered it to the top, aber its overall favourable environment provides a solid basis for attracting and keeping people. In der Economy-Domäne alleine, Calgary verdient sieben "A"-Typen, coming in as the top performer in five indicators: employment growth, Einkommenswachstum, unemployment rate, non-residential building permit growth und gesamten Steuereinnahmen Index (TTI). On measures of Labour Attractiveness, Calgary Stärke kommt von seiner low incidence of low-income population, low homicide rate und, somewhat surprisingly, its relative housing affordability.

Rangfolge direkt hinter Calgary waren Dallas und Hong Kong, bei #2 und #3, beziehungsweise. Fourth-place was a four-way tie between Toronto, Boston, London, und New York. Zum Abschluss der oben 10 waren Vancouver und Seattle (gebunden für #8) und Quebec City bei #10.

Allerdings, the data for this report was compiled when the economy was still flying high, leading the authors to conclude thatCalgary’s continued domination is currently under threat, as weaker energy prices and tighter credit conditions have slowed oil and gas activity in the province of Alberta.

Das full report is available as a PDF file or in an abbreviated online presentation version.

Foto © Carolyn B. Heller

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