BC. ist am grünsten Provinz, aber alle noch besser machen
Zu Ehren von Tag der Erde, Corporate Knights Magazin freigegeben hat ein “report card” measuring the “green rating” for each of Canada’s provinces and territories.
British Columbia ranked highest with a score of 69% — a C+. Ontario was in second place bei 67%, und die Northwest Territories in Dritt kam bei 66%.
Aber mit Bestnoten von C , even these high-ranking locations have plenty of room for improvement.
Laut einer CBC News Bericht auf der Studie, BC. scored particularly well in green jobs, green buildings, Bio-Lebensmittel, and energy efficiency.
The rankings for the other regions were: Yukon 57%, Nunavut 56%, Alberta 55%, Neuschottland 53%, und Saskatchewan 50%. Several provinces receiving “failing” grades, including Quebec 49%, Manitoba 46%, New Brunswick 40%, Neufundland und Labrador 38%, and Prince Edward Island at 32%.
The provinces were scored on ten categories — Air, Wasser, Artenvielfalt, Menschen, Gebäude, Transport, Lebensmittel, Abfall, Energie, and Toxics — worth ten points each.
Sie können read the full analysis, with an explanation of each category considered, hierin Corporate Knights special report.
Photo by aussiegall (Flickr)