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Glücklich Victoria Day

Verfasst von Mai 18, 2009 – 8:51 amNo Comment

QueenVictoriastatueToday is a holiday in CanadaVictoria Day.

Heute, as Canadians head to their vacation cottages, picnic on the beach, or fire up the backyard barbecues, the holiday is more about the start of summer than it is about the Queen’s birthday. But it was originally created to celebrate the May 24 birthday of Britain’s Queen Victoria.

Queen Victoria, who governed from 1837 bis zu ihrem Tod 1901, was the ruling monarch at the time of Kanadischen Konföderationwhen Canada became a nation in 1867. Seit 1952, Canada has celebrated Victoria’s birthday on the Monday before May 25, und in 1957, Victoria Day became the official day to celebrate the sovereign’s birthday in Canada.

Als Commonwealth country, Kanada hat noch eine Königin, derzeit Königin Elizabeth II.. Although Elizabeth’s actual birthday is April 21, it’s honored on Victoria Day.

Also Kopf für den Strand heute, und wo immer Sie sind, offer a birthday toast to the queen!

Foto © Carolyn B. Heller

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