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Kanada: One of the world’s 10 ruhigsten Nationen

Verfasst von November 2, 2009 – 9:00 amNo Comment

peacesignWarum nach Kanada zu ziehen?

Among the many reasonsallgemeine Krankenversicherung, job opportunities, und die natural environment, to cite just a fewis that the country is one of the world’s most peaceful places.

Nach dem 2009 Global Peace Index, Kanada zählt zu den Top 10 most peaceful nations in the world.

In this third annual assessment by the Institut für Wirtschaft und Frieden, a global think tank based in Australia, Canada came in at #8.

The institute evaluated 144 countries on such factors as Achtung der Menschenrechte, relations with neighboring countries, and overall level of military spending,

Hier sind die Top 10 most peaceful countries:

  1. New Zealand Neuseeland
  2. Denmark Dänemark
  3. Norway Norwegen
  4. Iceland Island
  5. Austria Österreich
  6. Sweden Schweden
  7. Japan Japan
  8. Canada Kanada
  9. Finland Finnland
  10. Slovenia Slowenien

Der US-. Rang #83, well behind such countries as Libyen, Kuba, und Serbien.

Looking for peace at a glance? Diese Karte shows the countries of the world color-coded by levels of peacefulness.

Foto von TooFarNorth (Flickr)

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