Vancouver 2010: Olympischen Winterspiele’ Arbeitsplätze noch verfügbar
If you’re hoping to find work in Vancouver during the upcoming Olympische Winterspiele, which run from February 12 — 28, it’s not too late.
Many tourism and hospitality businesses are still looking for staff, and they’re posting their openings via Twitter: Check out tourism2010jobs und go2JobBoard for current job listings.
Sie können auch die go2 Job Board für mehr Tourismus Positionen.
Craigslist Vancouver hat Unmengen von Lebensmitteln, beverage, and hospitality job listings ebenso, during the Olympics and beyond.
Das Vancouver 2010 Spiele had been hiring directly, obwohl according to their website, they’ve filled the majority of their Olympics positions. Allerdings, if you’re still job hunting, they advise registering with the Adecco Recruitment Agency, which is handling the remainder of their Games-time recruitment.
Denken Sie daran, dass in Kanada arbeiten, you must either have a valid Arbeitserlaubnis oder Daueraufenthaltsgenehmigung.
Happy hunting!
Foto © Carolyn B. Heller