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Vancouver Parkplatz: Wo sind die billigsten spots?

Verfasst von März 22, 2010 – 10:30 am2 Kommentare

Robson Street parking img_1877If you spend any time driving around in Vancouver, you’ll quickly find that not all parking spots are created equal.

The city of Vancouver has approximately 8,500 metered parking spots, aber the rates for those spaces vary — von $1 auf $5 pro Stunde.

So how do you find the least expensive places to park?

Schauen Sie sich VanPark2010.ca, a map showing the parking rates at meters around the city.

Not surprisingly, the downtown core has the highest rates, mit den Straßen von Howe begrenzt, Georgien, Bute, and the waterfront lined with $5-per-hour meters.

But by checking the parking map, you can see that while it will cost you $5/hour to park on Hornby Street between Smithe and Robson, you can park your car two blocks away at Nelson and Howe for only $2/hour.

Ähnlich, if you’re shopping on Robson Street, don’t leave your car on Robson between Burrard and Thurlowthe rate there is $4/hour. Just a couple of blocks away, you can park on Alberni Street between Bute and Jervis for only $1.50/hourand you’ve saved enough money to buy yourself a latte!

Merken: Vancouver meters are in effect from 9 AM to 10 PM seven days a week, including holidays. And most metered spots allow only two-hour parking.

Wenn Sie Ihr Auto für mehr als zwei Stunden parken, you’d do better to pull into a parking lot. You’ll find some of the cheapest rates in the EasyPark Lose und Garagen, which are partly owned by the city and marked with an orangePsign. Their website has a map showing EasyPark locations and rates.

For more on Vancouver parking rules, überprüfen Sie die City of Vancouver’s parking site.

Dank Darren Barefoot for the heads up on the useful VanPark2010.ca Werkzeug.

Robson Street Foto © Carolyn B. Heller

2 Kommentare »

  • Admin sagt:

    Danke für den Tipp, Kate. It sounds like VanPark2010.ca may need an update. In the meantime, the next time you’re on West Cordova, check the parking rates on the block between Thurlow and Butethe VanPark2010 site says the meters there are only $2 eine Stunde, so maybe you can save a bit of money.

  • kate sagt:

    gut, I just parked on Cordova between Howe and Burrard and it was $3.00 für 1/2 hour for metered parking, was würde es $6.00 eine Stunde. I’ve been here 5 years and the parking on Cordova has pretty much doubled in that time.