Kanada plant Startup Visa für Unternehmer mit Migrationshintergrund starten in 2013
Seit einiger Zeit, proposals have been circulating for a new “Startup Visa,” designed for newcomers who want to launch a business in Kanada.
Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney recently announced that the government is moving forward with the startup visa.
This article in the Financial Post mehr Details: Canada plans new visa to lure high-tech immigrant entrepreneurs.
Nach ein Globe & Mail Bericht, the government plans to launch the new startup visa in 2013.
In der Zwischenzeit, Canada has temporarily stopped accepting applications for Daueraufenthaltsgenehmigung sowohl unter dem Einwanderungs-Investoren-Programm und die Entrepreneur Program.
Immigration Ordner Foto von Jennie Faber (Flickr)