Artikel in Daily Life

Aufmerksamkeit: Americans living in Toronto
Das Toronto Expat amerikanischen Meetup-Gruppe has a hastily-organized get-together coming up this Wednesday. According to the group’s organizer, “A professor from the USA is researching Expats in Kanada, …

Following the lead of locations as diverse as Denmark and New York City, British Columbia wird das sein erste Provinz in Kanada, um die Verwendung von Transfettsäuren zu beschränken in Restaurants.
Restaurants, Feinkostläden, cafeterias, educational …

US-. president Obama has begun the process of revamping the U.S. health care system, mit dem Ziel, providing health insurance for the millions of uninsured Amerikaner — a goal that, zumindest theoretisch, …

Während die Kanadier wurden mit einem Love-in mit Barack Obama in dieser Woche, Americans apparently also have good feelings for their neighbor to the north.
Neun von 10 Amerikaner angesichts Kanada günstig, nach …

Nach Präsident Obama’s one-day whirlwind visit to Ottawa yesterday, which was accompanied by much gushing in the Canadian press, several commentators are wondering whether Canadians might love the new U.S. leader a little too …