Artikel getaggt mit: Daily Life

Following the lead of locations as diverse as Denmark and New York City, British Columbia wird das sein erste Provinz in Kanada, um die Verwendung von Transfettsäuren zu beschränken in Restaurants.
Restaurants, Feinkostläden, cafeterias, educational …

US-. president Obama has begun the process of revamping the U.S. health care system, mit dem Ziel, providing health insurance for the millions of uninsured Amerikaner — a goal that, zumindest theoretisch, …

Sind Canadians healthier than Americans?
Im Nordwesten der USA, mindestens, sie sind. That’s according to the February 2009 Cascadia Scorecard:
British Columbia führt die Pacific Northwest in several critical long-term trends, including human …

If you’re recently moved to Canada and you’ve been pleased that you could watch your favorite TV shows from south of the border, check out this report from CBC News:
Some Canadians might lose …

Das New York Times this week profiled Michael Ignatieff, the new leader of Canada’s Liberal Party. Er kann nicht über das Charisma von Barack Obama, aber er tut have a Facebook group. …