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Un americano en Calgary

Enviado por de septiembre 16, 2009 – 7:50 enNo hay Comentarios

CalgarySkyline“Movimiento aquí desde los EE.UU.. es como ser adoptado por un pariente cercano. Casi como a sus padres, but different…”

That’s what American Brenda Kautz wrote in un reciente Mundo & Correo column about relocating from Denver to Calgary.

She goes on to say:

It’s been interesting to compare stereotypes with our Canadian neighbours. They find us Americans to be generally red-necked and dyed red, white and blue patriotic, while we find them to be mildly patriotic, hockey-loving fanatics….

Canadians are polite about Americansreverence for our Thanksgiving in November. They are so sweet about wishing us Happy Thanksgiving. If they knew it’s just about family, food and football, perhaps it would ruin the mystique. It’s also our kickoff to Christmas. Aquí en Canadá, Thanksgiving is just the October long weekend….

¿Qué te parece? If you’ve relocated to Canada from the U.S., have your experiences been similar to hers? Usted puede read the complete essay here.

Foto © Carolyn B. Heller

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