ArtÃculos en Vida Cotidiana

The payoff for living through Vancouver‘s damp gray winters comes in the spring, when flowers around the city burst into bloom.
And what better way to celebrate spring’s arrival than with the Vancouver la flor de cerezo …

Eating on the street will get more interesting in Toronto this spring, ahora que la ciudad ha aprobado a new street food program called “Toronto A La Cart.”
The city announced that eight vendors, selling …

La Ottawa Citizen ha publicado una nueva edición de su informe anual GuÃa de restaurantes, highlighting where to eat around the city.
Escrito por el Citizen’s restaurant critic Anne DesBrisay, who also blogs about the city’s …

El ex presidente George W. Bush kicked off his post-presidential speaking career in Canada yesterday — at a $400-a-plate lunch in Calgary.
Aunque el Calgary Herald informó que su discurso fue bien recibido, aproximadamente 200 protesters …

St. Patrick’s Day seems like a good time to promote an organization called Green Drinks, que es no un grupo que reúne a beber cerveza verde. Más bien, it’s an opportunity to meet — y …