Los artÃculos etiquetados con: eventos

Today is Labour Day in Canada. Bancos, las oficinas de correos, las oficinas del gobierno, escuelas, y muchas empresas de todo el paÃs estarán cerradas hoy.
Se celebra anualmente el primer lunes de septiembre, Labour Day is essentially the …

El ex EE.UU.. president Bill Clinton will speak in Toronto on Saturday, De agosto 29 en 4 pm, during the annual Canadian National Exhibition.
Clinton will address the masses at BMO Field, which has a seating capacity …

If you’ve recently relocated from the U.S. de Toronto y desea conectarse con otros americanos, check out the Toronto Expat American Meetup Group.
The group’s next get-together is Tuesday, De julio 21 en 7 pm. …

It’s time for the Calgary Stampede!
Billing itself as “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth,” this year’s Stampede is taking over Calgary until July 12th.
If you’re a newcomer settling into Calgary, don’t plan on …

Happy Canada Day!
July 1st is the day that Canadians celebrate the anniversary of “Confederación” — the date that the country was first established on July 1st, 1867. Aunque Confederación llevó a cabo en 1867, hay …