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Pourquoi plus d'Américains qui étudient au Canada? La réponse est orthographié ARGENT.

Soumis par mai 25, 2009 – 12:39 hPas de commentaire

Photo ©Carolyn B. HellerCerveaux américains, Canada’s gain,” trumpeted the headline of a recent Globe and Mail histoire.

This article reported thatat a time when many U.S families are finding they have fewer dollars than they expected to spend on higher education, the price of a Canadian undergraduate degree is looking attractive.”

Ce printemps, many Canadian universities reported an increase in applications from U.S. students, and a growing number of those students are saying “oui” to offers from Canadian schools:

At Montreal’s McGill University, where there is a long tradition of U.S. recruiting, Américains représentaient 12 per cent of this year’s freshman class…..

McGill has seen a steady increase in American students, with numbers rising by 22 per cent in the past five years.

Plus de 9,000 Americans are currently attending colleges and universities in Canada. In the mid-1900s, that number was barely over 2,000.

Canadian university education is government subsidized, so most Canadian university students pay less than $5,000 leurs frais de scolarité annuels. Même pour les étudiants venant de l'extérieur du Canada, scolarité internationale est toujours un moyen relativement raisonnable de $13,200 par année.

L' Globe and Mail article compared overall annual costs for a student from the U.S. attending Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia versus Boston University:

Dalhousie estimates that cours, livres, housing and health insurance run $23,636 a year. À l'Université de Boston, a school that often competes for the same U.S. students, l' equivalent annual cost comes to $61,794.

If you or a family member is considering education in Canada, voici ressources pour aider à démarrer votre recherche d'école:

The Canadian Council of Ministers of Education has created a useful website for students looking at Canadian post-secondary eduation. It includes an overview of Canada’s university system, information about costs and financial aid, and a search function that lets you identify schools and programs across the country.

Another helpful tool is the Globe Campus Navigator, qui vous permet de compare features of various Canadian universities.

And if you’d like to share your experiences about studying in Canada, please leave a comment below.

Photo © Carolyn B. Vrai démon

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