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आवास, नौकरियां, & पैसा

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घर » आवास, नौकरियां, & पैसा

टोरंटो अचल संपत्ति: बिक्री के लिए Condo

द्वारा प्रस्तुत फरवरी को 19, 2010 – 7:15 परकोई टिप्पणी नहीं

RedHotCondosकरने के लिए स्थानांतरित टोरंटो? Looking for a place to live?

The न्यूयॉर्क टाइम्स हाल ही में विशेष रुप से प्रदर्शित एक duplex apartment for sale near Toronto’s financial district. It’s in the District Lofts building पर 388 रिकमंड स्ट्रीट पश्चिम.

To get a detailed picture of the neighborhood, बाहर की जाँच करें City of Toronto’s really useful neighborhood profile site. The building is in परवरिश 20: Trinity-Spadina.

This snazzy-looking two-bedroom condo is listed at CAD$1,175,000. That’s quite a bit higher than the average Toronto apartment.

जनवरी में 2010, the टोरंटो रियल एस्टेट बोर्ड की रिपोर्ट कि median sale price for a Toronto condo was $270,000.

For a more comprehensive set of Toronto property listings, खोज MLS कनाडा साइट.

You might also contact one of the following real estate agents who specialize in relocations to Toronto:

Patrice आंधी, who offers additional relocation information at SettleInToronto.com. ऐसा. 416-487-4311.

Heidi नेल्सन, who also provides links to a variety of relocation resources. ऐसा. 416-441-2888 ext. 400 or toll-free 1-888-452-5537.

Have you recently relocated to Toronto?

If you worked with an agent or relocation specialist who was helpful to you, कृपया हमें पता है. और यदि आप कर सकते हैं recommend other resources to help newcomers moving to Toronto, leave a comment below. धन्यवाद!

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