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आवास, नौकरियां, & पैसा

एक घर खोजना, काम, बचत, और कनाडा में निवेश - यहाँ है कैसे


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घर » आवास, नौकरियां, & पैसा

मॉन्ट्रियल में रहना चाहते हैं? Here’s help for new home buyers

द्वारा प्रस्तुत अप्रैल को 2, 2010 – 7:00 परकोई टिप्पणी नहीं

Montreal triplex img_1052शहर के मॉन्ट्रियल has launched a new HomeOwnership program, designed to help home buyersparticularly families with children.

Families with at least one child who purchase a newly-built homea three-bedroom property under $295,000 within the city of Montrealreceive $12,500 subsidy और a refund of 100 percent of the real estate transfer taX. Families purchasing a smaller home, नीचे $265,000, प्राप्त एक $10,000 subsidy as well as the 100 percent transfer tax refund.

Families who buy an existing homea duplex up to $360,000 or a triplex up to $400,000 — don’t get a subsidy, but they’re still eligible for the 100 percent real estate transfer tax refund.

If you don’t have children, आप अभी भी लाभ उठा सकते है.

A single person buying a new home of up to $200,000, or a two people jointly purchasing a new home of up to $235,000, एक प्राप्त होगा $4,500 subsidy and a 40 percent real estate transfer tax refund.

A household without children purchasing an existing duplex (अप करने के लिए $360,000) या triplex (अप करने के लिए $400,000) प्राप्त होगा 40 percent real estate transfer tax refund.

To qualify, applicants must prove that they have not owned a residential property in Quebec over the past five years.

सीबीसी समाचार के अनुसार, मॉन्ट्रियल महापौर गेराल्ड Tremblay said that the subsidies should help families remain in the city of Montreal, rather than decamping to the suburbs. Read more about the city’s take on the benefits of living in Montreal.

And for more information about the subsidy program or about home buying in Montreal, भेंट Habiter मॉन्ट्रियल.

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