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Quando gli Stati Uniti. starnutisce…

Inserito da febbraio 10, 2009 – 8:04 suNessun commento

Photo ©Alan AlbertL' economic slowdown in Canada ha — at least so farbeen meno gravi than the crushing financial troubles that have weakened the U.S. economia.

Tuttavia, Canada’s economy is tightly linked to that of its south-of-the-border neighbor, as today’s Globe and Mail rapporti:

L' success of the new U.S. stimulus package in stabilizing financial markets is crucial for Canada’s economic recovery, Bank of Canada Mark Carney ha detto il governatore.

In comments to the House of Commons Finance Committee on Tuesday, Sig.. Carney defended his controversial projections for 3.8-per cento di crescita in Canada’s economy next year. But he warned that the financial-markets aid package being introduced by Washington to mobilize more than $1-trillion (Stati Uniti) needs to work in order for the Canadian projections to materialize.

The good news is:

(Sig.. Carney) ha detto Il Canada ha molte cose in corso per questo, allowing a quicker recovery qui. Sig.. Carney pointed to Canada’s hefty interest rate cuts, il well-functioning banking system, il depreciation of the loonie, fiscal stimulus, a recovery in emerging markets that lifts commodity prices, e solid balance sheets among Canadian households and businesses.

© foto Alan Albert

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