Perché il Canada è più interessante di quanto sembri
Come molti americani, noi didn’t give Canada much thought — until, ovvero, abbiamo deciso di spostare qui. And looking back from north of the border, we became aware of how — when the U.S. media mentions Canada at all — it’s often in a “ehi, guarda questi educato, beer-drinking, hockey-playing folks” way.
In anticipation of President Obama’s upcoming visit to Canada febbraio 19, questo article seems to be saying not just “look at Canada,” ma “Canada is our neighbor – maybe we should pay attention.” A novel idea!
President Obama’s first foreign visit will be to Canada on February 19.
Gli americani, can you name the capital of Canada or its Prime Minister? Name three major news stories in Canada. Hockey non conta.
Ok, Io ti aiuterò: automobiles, Afghanistan e l'energia.
Per le risposte, leggere rest of the column.
Foto di Jon Rawlinson (flickr)