Nuovi strumenti online per la casa di caccia
Canada’s Multiple Listing Service sites — the nationwide e la sua Vancouver-based fratello — are getting some new competition.
Anche se questi strumenti on-line ben consolidate hanno un valore inestimabile per la casa-cacciatori, several new sites are also worth a look if you’re looking to buy a home in Canada.
Billing itself as “Cerca casa con Smarts” and operating in major cities across Canada, cool-looking ha utili map-based opzioni di ricerca nonché informazioni sui quartieri e le scuole locali. Even though its listings aren’t yet as comprehensive as the MLS sites, it’s still worth a look. BlogTO ha una recensione di qui. è una buona fonte di quartiere di informazioni demografiche if you’re house-hunting in Vancouver (the only city where it’s operating so far). Si può dire, per esempio, that the largest percentage of households in Vancouver’s Kitsilano neighborhood are “Electric Avenues,” which it defines as young upper-middle-class urban singles, mentre “Young Digerati” — young and well-off urban trendsetters — dominate the Coal Harbour area downtown.
Questo articolo del Vancouver Sun has more information about these two sites.
© foto di Carolyn B. Heller