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Marketing Canada agli americani

Inserito da aprile 27, 2009 – 8:26 suNessun commento

stephenharperCanada — coming soon to a channel near you!

The Canadian governmenthas hired two former White House spokesmen to pitch Canada’s image to major American media outlets,” secondo il Globe and Mail:

Michael McCurry, a former press secretary for Bill Clinton, e Ari Fleischer, uno di George W. Bush’s press secretaries, lavorerà per secure Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper interviews with U.S. media outlets to discuss Canada, its economic system and its relationship with the United States.

…[The Prime Minister’s Office] is hoping to spread the word about Canada’s strong banking system, its ability to avoid meltdowns seen at U.S. banche, e il importance of Energia canadese ai consumatori americani.

Although Canada’s economic picture has been worsening, the government seems to want to let Americans know that things are still better north of the border. Although with laudatory articles already appearing in the American presslike this New York Times’ piece on “Il Grande Nord di solventi” perhaps the pitchmen have already been doing their jobs!

Foto di TeddyBoy (flickr)

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