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Home » Alloggiamento, Offerte di lavoro, & Money

professionisti della finanza più commovente di Toronto

Inserito da settembre 21, 2009 – 7:33 suUn commento

TD Canada TrustThe financial industry’s strength is attracting worldwide talent to Bay Streetand giving a big boost to the high-end real estate market.

That’s according to un recente Globe & Mail articolo, “Banking on TO,” che ha riferito che Canada’s comparatively strong financial services industry is drawing “…many bankers and investment professionalsfrom some of the world’s most prominent financial capitals.

In particolare, the article points out that:

Mentre le banche negli Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna sono diminuite o addirittura scomparse, in alcuni casi, Canada’s more staid grande sei banche charter sono rimasti fermi a confronto.

TheseBig 6banks include Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, National Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, e TD Canada Trust.

The article further notes thatthe influx has spurred a resurgence in Toronto’s real estate market – from mid-priced houses up to the highest echelons.

Leggi l'articolo completo qui.

© foto di Carolyn B. Heller

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