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Nuit Blanche: Sleepless in Toronto

Inserito da settembre 30, 2009 – 7:08 suNessun commento

bright-lights-big-cityJet-lag a Toronto? Or just want an intensive all-night introduction to the city’s art scene?

Allora date un'occhiata Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Toronto, una celebrazione crepuscolo-to-alba di arte contemporanea.

Con 500 artisti coinvolti in più di 130 progetti, il festivities begin this Saturday, 3 ottobre, a 6:55 pm and continue until sunrise la mattina successiva.

Per pianificare la tua notte o trovare la strada, controllare il interactive tools on the Nuit Blanche website. Prendi un list of performers, eventi, and installations here.

Durante la notte, si può anche visitare uno dei four Nuit Blanche information centers:

  • Yonge-Dundas Square: southeast corner of Yonge St. and Dundas St. East
  • Union Station: 65 Front St., a Bay St., livello della strada
  • Scotia Plaza: 40 King St. Occidente, Inserisci da Adelaide St. and King St.
  • Lamport Stadium: 1151 King St. Occidente, south parking lot, entrano da Liberty Street.

L'anno scorso, roughly a million people came out for Toronto’s Nuit Blanche. Organizers expect crowds to be at their peak between 8 pm and 1 su, so they’re advising night owls to head out after 1 and early risers to take to the streets between 5 e 7 su.

Better rest up now!

And if you won’t be in Toronto this weekend, mark your calendar for February 27, 2010, when Montreal will host its own all-night arts party, il Montreal All-Nighter.

Foto di George Fischer, CN Tower at Night, 2007, courtesy of the CN Tower e il Città di Toronto

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