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Se il candidato perde, Will You Move in Canada?

Inserito da novembre 5, 2012 – 12:50 pmNessun commento

Obama Romney caricature by DonkeyHoteyOgni quattro anni, as the next US presidential election approaches, the speculation begins anew.

Will thousands of Americans move to Canada if their candidate loses?

In “At a Loss? C'è sempre il Canada,” il New York Times writes thatThe pledge (to move across the border) comes mostly from left-leaning Americans who view Canada, with its universal health care and cultural progressiveness, as a liberal refuge from Red State America.

Tuttavia, do people actually make the move?

L' Times reports that “…the number of United States citizens who permanently reside in Canada doubled during George W. Bush’s presidency (da 5,800 in 2000 a 11,200 in 2008, secondo Citizen and Immigration Canada).”

It may not be elections motivating the move, anche se. L' Times concludes thatpocketbook issues outweigh politics,” with far more people relocating for work than for political reasons.

Così, what do Canadians think of Americansdeclarations to relocate after the election?

L' Washington Post conducted a twitter poll and concluded that I canadesi sono divertito minacce americane di spostare a nord, se il loro candidato perde.

Alcuni dei commenti:

Cool by me as long as it’s only the good ones. Ma sanno di nostro inverno?

We welcome them. After all we took the loyalists after independence….

Personalmente, I would like you to handle your own drama. Ma, sapete, we’ve got room.

Here’s a question for the Americans out there: Did you come to Canada for political reasons?

Would you move across the border if your candidate loses?

Please leave a comment and let us know what you think.

Obama-Romney photo/caricature by DonkeyHotey (flickr)


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