Articoli in La vita quotidiana

You’d think it was a new national holiday oggi qui in Canada.
Ma nessuno, the occasion is simply Stati Uniti. President Obama’s first international visit to Canada’s capital, Ottawa.
There’s plenty of hoopla in the …

Sono Canadians healthier than Americans?
Nel nord-ovest del Pacifico, almeno, essi sono. That’s according to the February 2009 Cascadia Scorecard:
British Columbia conduce il Pacifico nord-occidentale in several critical long-term trends, including human …

Un anno da oggi, Febbraio 12, 2010, il 2010 Winter Olympic Games open in British Columbia.
L' Provincia di Vancouver pubblicato il seguente calendario degli eventi celebrativi accade oggi a Vancouver e Whistler, il …

If you’re recently moved to Canada and you’ve been pleased that you could watch your favorite TV shows from south of the border, verificare questa relazione CBC News:
Some Canadians might lose …

Quali U.S. expat may be this year’s most notable woman in Vancouver?
Recentemente abbiamo appreso che Amy Robertson, Vancouver’s new “First Lady” — wife of the city’s recently elected mayor, Gregor Robertson — è stato …