Gli articoli contrassegnati con: Cultura

If you live outside of Canada and you’ve heard of Kitchener-Waterloo, potrebbe essere causa di Research in Motion.
Senza offesa per Kitchener-Waterloo, but this Ontario region’s most famous product is much better known than …

When you move to a new country, you need to learn about that country’s heroes. In Canada, one of those larger-than-life icons is Terry Fox.
Nato a Manitoba e cresciuto in British Columbia, Fox …

Oggi è la festa del lavoro in Canada. Banche, uffici postali, government offices, scuole, and many businesses across the country are closed today.
Celebrated annually on the first Monday in September, Labour Day is essentially the …

If you’re getting settled in Edmonton, you need to get acquainted with the city’s biggest cultural event.
It’s the Edmonton Fringe Festival Internazionale del Teatro — aka “The Fringe” — an annual theatre extravaganza that typically …

Volete sapere what’s new in the Canadian music scene?
Sintonizzati online per CBC Radio 3. In addition to regular music shows and podcasts, the site also has a great “New Music Canada” …