Gli articoli contrassegnati con: Hamilton

Perhaps it’s no surprise that Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver rank as Canada’s top three largest metropolitan areas.
Ma da recenti statistiche mostrano che Statistics Canada Calgary ha superato la capitale nazionale, Ottawa, as Number 4.…

Nonostante tutto l'attenzione sul 2010 Giochi Olimpici Invernali e che cosa potrebbe significare per gli espatriati e potenziali visitatori di Vancouver (vedere i nostri ultimi post qui, qui, qui, e qui), we can still look …

When you move to a new country, you need to learn about that country’s heroes. In Canada, one of those larger-than-life icons is Terry Fox.
Nato a Manitoba e cresciuto in British Columbia, Fox …

Oggi è la festa del lavoro in Canada. Banche, uffici postali, government offices, scuole, and many businesses across the country are closed today.
Celebrated annually on the first Monday in September, Labour Day is essentially the …

Quanti soldi guadagnano professori nelle università canadesi?
If you’re considering an academic job in Canada, have a look at Statistics Canada’s report on “Salaries and Salary Scales of Full-time Teaching Staff at Canadian …