Gli articoli contrassegnati con: Vacanze

Oggi — Lunedi, Ottobre 12, 2009 — is the Thanksgiving holiday in Canada.
Canadians celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday roughly six weeks earlier than Americans do. E U.S. espatriati sempre chiedere, “Why?"
Here’s an excerpt from …

Oggi è la festa del lavoro in Canada. Banche, uffici postali, government offices, scuole, and many businesses across the country are closed today.
Celebrated annually on the first Monday in September, Labour Day is essentially the …

Il primo Lunedi nel mese di agosto è una festa in molte regioni del Canada.
It’s part of the three days of summer relaxation known as the “Agosto Long Weekend.”
If you’re in British Columbia, …

Getting settled in a new country invariably involves some unexpected twists and turns.
During our first winter in Canada, one of these “getting settled” mishaps involved a suckling pig, an outdoor rotisserie, …

Today is a holiday in Canada — Victoria Day.
Al giorno d'oggi, come capo canadesi alle loro case di vacanza, pic-nic sulla spiaggia, o accendere i barbecue del cortile, the holiday is more about the start …