Gli articoli contrassegnati con: Montreal

Quick: Think of “bagels,” then tell me what you think of next. Formaggio cremoso? Lox? New York?
OK, so you probably didn’t say “Canada,” did you?
Ma se si pensa che il Canada è un vasto, …

Molte persone che trasferirsi in Canada finisce in una delle città , con Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary e disegno il maggior numero di emigrati.
Ma whether you’re looking for a place to settle, o …

Beginning this weekend, the Running Tourist will be offering weekend group runs in central Montreal. If you’re a runner who’s visiting the city or recently relocated here, it’s an active way to explore the …

Canada’s Multiple Listing Service sites — the nationwide and its Vancouver-based sibling — are getting some new competition.
Anche se questi strumenti on-line ben consolidate hanno un valore inestimabile per la casa-cacciatori, diversi nuovi siti sono anche la pena …

Skeptics may consider poutine, a messy mix of French fries topped with brown gravy and melted cheese, some sort of strange April Fool’s joke.
Ma if you’ve learned to love this classic Quebecois concoction…