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ホーム » カルチャー

言う “てください。,” てください。

Photo by Roland (flickr)

Canadians have a reputation for being nice.

しかし、今週, a British Columbia man learned that niceness may not extend across the U.S. ボーダーor at least not across the border crossing.

ときにB.C. resident Desiderio Fortunato pulled up to the U.S. customs booth to enter Blaine, ワシントン, and the customs officer told him to turn off his engine, Fornunato asked the officer to sayplease.

For asking the officer to play nice, しかし、, Forunato received a face full of pepper spray.

によると 国民のポスト:

A Canadian who demanded courtesy from a U.S. border security guard says he was pepper sprayed and held in custody for three hours for asking the disrespectful officer tosay pleasewhen ordering him to turn his car off during a search.

“彼は言ったまで、私は車をオフにしてください拒ん. He didn’t. そして、彼は銃を持って, I guess, 彼は私を噴霧する,” said Desiderio Fortunato, a Coquitlam, 紀元前, resident who frequently crosses the border to visit his second home in the state of Washington.

Fornunato wondered, “Is that illegal in the United States, asking an officer to be polite?

ローランドのフォト (Flickrの)
