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カナダのジョージブッシュ — Not the Obama love-in

Photo by Hanumann (flickr)元大統領 ジョージ·W·. Bush kicked off his post-presidential speaking career in Canada yesterdayat a $400-a-plate lunch in Calgary.

しかし カルガリー·ヘラルド 彼のスピーチは暖かく受信されたことを報告した, おおよそ 200 protesters gathered outside, charging Bush with war crimes. Many of the protesters 投げつけ靴 at a poster of the former president. ちょっと違う the lovey-dovey welcome that greeted President Obama when he visited Ottawa last month

According to the Calgary newspaper, “Bush, who left office with one of the lowest approval ratings of any president in history, カルガリーの安全な避難場所を選んだ, perhaps second only to Houston or Dallas in terms of friendly territory, to test-drive his new speaking career.Or as columnist Jeffrey Simpson put it in the Globe and Mailç´™, “そこに彼はいた, in perhaps the only city in Canada that would have him.

As Americans who were living in Canada during the Bush era undoubtedly know, the former president was hugely unpopular across most of the country.

Hanumannフォト (Flickrの)
