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A real border

Photo by Kenneth Lu (flickr)It is a real border, and we need to address it as a real border.

That’s what U.S. 国土安全保障 ジャネット·ナポリターノ insisted about the U.S.-Canadian border at a Washington, 直流. conference on border issues this week.

CBCニュース quoted Napolitano as saying, “People are used to going back and forth, and the hockey teams go back and forth…. People just don’t think of it as two different countries. But the reality exists that there’s a border there.

In a グローブ & メール article about the event, headlinedObama’s message: Glory days of open border are gone,” コラムニスト ジョンIbbitson wrote that Napolitano’s goal was “…to throw a bucket of reality on anyone who hoped that the arrival of Barack Obama’s new administration would herald a loosening of new restrictions on cross-border traffic.

Ibbitson went on to say thatCanadian politicians, and industry leaders on both sides of the border, hoped that the arrival of a new, Democratic administration would lessen the emphasis on security that Mr. Napolitano’s predecessor, マイケルチャートフ, placed on border relations.

CBCによると、, Napolitano “…also said there would be no further delay of the 西半球旅行イニシアティブ, which as of June 1 will require adults entering the United States from Canada, カリブ海, Bermuda or Mexico to present a passport. That phase of the initiative has been delayed several times.

ケネス·ルーのフォト (Flickrの)
