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TimHortonsIs the typical American dietheavy in fat, ç ‚ç³–, and saltthe same on the Canadian side of the border?

According to a new book by 博士. デイビッド. ケスラー, former 米長官. 食品医薬品局, the way Canadians eat isn’t great, but it’s not as bad as it is in the United States.

で “What a U.S. food expert learned at Tim Hortons and Swiss Chalet,” Macleans.ca reports that Kessler’s book, 過食の終了: 飽くことのない北アメリカの食欲の制御を取る (available in Canada at amazon.ca and in the U.S. — without theNorthin the title — で amazon.com):

discusses how the food industry hijacked our brains with three substances humans find as seductive as sex—salt, sugar and fat—and how the desire for them has overthrown thousands of years of conditioning to create an unprecedented culture of overeating.

カナダで研究を行った後, eating at chains like ティムホートン, スイスシャレー, と Jack Astor’s, Kessler reported thatportion sizes were a trifle smaller than is typical in the United States and there was a homemade quality to most of the food.”

まだ, he concluded, “4カナダ人のうち1は肥満です。, compared to one in three in the U.S. One-third of Canadians who were classified as normal weight a decade ago are now overweight.

You can read more about Kessler’s north-of-the-border dining experiences at the website of his Canadian publisher, マクレランド & スチュアート.

There’s also an interesting profile of Kessler and his work in the ワシントン·ポスト.

写真©キャロリンBの. ヘラー
