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ホーム » 住宅, ジョブ, & マネー

Canada’s “租税競争”

U of Calgary business schoolカナダで事業を開始? 次に、 — unfortunatelyyou’ll need to learn more about カナダの税金.

カナダのシンクタンク, ザ C.D. ハウ研究所, recently released a report on Canada’s租税競争” — assessing how corporate taxes in Canada compare to those in other countries and also how tax rates vary among the Canadian provinces.


良いニュースは、 カナダのメトロ (marginal effective tax rate) に落ちている 28.0 percent in 2009 and is set to fall further….に 18.9 percent by 2013. If no offsetting tax changes occur abroad by 2013, these tax changes will place Canada’s rate for capital investment close to the average level of marginal effective tax rates among 80 countries worldwide.

しかし、, the study also “…reveals an ‘eye-poppingdivergence in approach to tax policy among (provincial) 政府:”

A leader on the path to prosperity…さ ニューブランズウィック州, which is pursuing broad structural reforms to its personal and business tax structures to improve simplicity and efficiency. 同様に, オンタリオ州 と ブリティッシュコロンビア州 will adopt a more efficient and fair sales tax structure by harmonizing their individual sales tax regimes with the federal GST…..

On the other end of the spectrum, several provinces have failed to improve their tax structures. プリンスエドワード島 retains the most outdated structure, with high tax rates on corporate income and retail sales.

だから where do businesses in Canada pay the highest taxes?

で 2009, 大西洋諸州, プリンスエドワード島を除く, taxed capital investment the least, followed by ケベック と アルバータ州….

The highest-taxed province in 2009 オンタリオ州は、まだです, but this is rapidly changing. Prince Edward Island will become the highest-taxed province in 2013 で 29.2 パーセント, after Ontario and British Columbia implement their sales tax harmonization and Ontario reduces its corporate income tax rate to 10 パーセント. マニトバ州 will be second-highest taxed at 27.0 パーセント, followed by サスカチュワン州 で 24.9 パーセント.

することができます ここに完全なレポートを読む.

写真©キャロリンBの. ヘラー
