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cell-phone-banOntario became the latest Canadian province to ban the use of hand-held cell phones while driving.

Ontario’s new distracted driving law, これは10月に発効した 26, 2009, prohibits drivers from using any hand-held wireless communication or any electronic entertainment devices. Texting and e-mailing while driving are prohibited, but using a hands-free device is still allowed.

で 2003, Newfoundland and Labrador banned the use of cell phones while driving, そのような法律を制定するためにカナダで最初の州.

ケベック と ノバスコシア州 have also prohibited driver cell phone use.

いくつかの他の地方, を含む ブリティッシュコロンビア州, マニトバ州, アルバータ州, と サスカチュワン州, are now enacting or considering similar bans.

写真で MikeDakinewavamonKline (Flickrの)
