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ホーム » 日常生活

ボクシング​​デー: 売上高, 販売, とより多くの販売

Eaton Centre Montreal img_1565In case all your Christmas wishes don’t come true, don’t worrythere’s ボクシング​​デー!

米国では, the biggest shopping day of the year is the day after Thanksgiving, a day that’s become known asブラックフライデー.” カナダでは, the major shopping extravaganza is the day after Christmasボクシング​​デー.

12月 26, ボクシング​​デー, is a public holiday in Canada. あなたは、小売業で働いている場合, ã‚‚, it’s unlikely that you’ll get the day off, because stores across the country use this holiday to draw in shoppers and move all the merchandise that didn’t sell before Christmas.

Many stores hold big sales that begin on Boxing Day and continue at least through New Year’s Eve. あなたは、モールに向かう前に, you can check out various sale flyers online at RedFlagDeals.com または SmartCanucks.ca. だけのことに注意してください。 many sales are region-specific, so don’t be fooled by Ontario prices if you live in B.C.

If you’re wondering where the “ボクシング​​デー” name come from, here’s the scoop according to the カナダの遺産 部門:

クリスマスの翌日, 聖の饗宴. スティーブン, the first Christian martyr, is better known as Boxing Day. The term may come from the opening of church poor boxes that day; maybe from the earthenware boxes with which boy apprentices collected money at the doors of their mastersclients.

So what does that have to do with shopping? 米としてはおそらく約限り. Thanksgiving does

Happy holidays from カナダでの留学生活!
