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アップデート: ダイヤルカナダでの運転中に

cell-phone-banにおけるドライバ ブリティッシュコロンビア州 と サスカチュワン州 are no longer allowed to use hand-held cell phones while driving.

Both provinces enacted new lawseffective January 1, 2010 — that sharply restrict driversuse of cell phones and other electronic communications devices.

によると ブリティッシュコロンビア州自動車協会 (BCAA), B.C.’s new law includes the following provisions:

  • Drivers cannot make or receive calls or hold a cell phone. しかし、, hands-free devices (built in or fixed to the vehicle, that are used by pressing a single button once only) まだ許可されてい.
  • Drivers cannot send or read text messages or e-mails.
  • とドライバ Learner” と “Novicelicenses are not permitted to operate 任意の hand-held または hands-free cell phone or other electronic communications device.

この バンクーバー日 記事 gives all the details about B.C.’s new restrictions on cell phones and other hand-held devices, など iPods and other MP3 players, 一方、 Winnipeg Free Press recaps the Saskatchewan law.

紀元前. drivers caught violating the cell phone law will face a $167 fine and three penalty points on their licenses. サスカチュワン州, the penalties will include a $280 罰金と4ライセンス点. だから if you’re behind the wheel, don’t answer that phone!

We summarized the 他の地方での携帯電話の法律 この中で earlier post onDialing while Driving.

写真で マイク "Dakinewavamon」クライン (Flickrの)
