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であなたの街を知るようになる “Jane’s Walk” 5月 1-2

Vancouver's Ferrara Court img_5391あなたのウォーキングシューズに入れ!

If you’re new to Canada (or even if you’ve lived here for a while), here’s a chance to お住まいの都市と知り合いになる and get some fresh air at the same time

土曜日に, 5月 1 と日曜日, 5月 2, cities across Canada are hostingJane’s Walks,” a series of free neighborhood walking tours.

Celebrating the legacy of Jane Jacobs (1916-2006), a noted urbanist, activist, and author, Jane’s Walks inspire people to get to know their cityand each otherby getting out and walking.

以上 60 cities worldwide, を含む 30 カナダで, are holding Jane’s Walks in 2010.

Jacobs was born in the U.S. but immigrated to Canada in the 1960s. 彼女の 1961 ブック, グレートアメリカン都市の死と生, introduced innovative, 都市開発に関する新しいアイデア.

Jacobs championed cities that were higher density and mixed-use but still walkable and human scale. Because of her belief that local residents should have input on how their neighborhoods develop, Jacobs encouraged people to get better acquainted with their local communities.

Among the Canadian cities hosting Jane’s Walks this year are:

昨年, I took an interesting Jane’s Walk though the Vancouver neighborhoods of ストラス と ガスタウン that highlighted those communitiesJewish roots. とりわけ, I learned that vaudeville performer ジャック·ベニー 彼の将来の妻に会った Ferrara Court building イーストヘイスティングスストリートに. (ザ B.Cのユダヤ博物館とアーカイブ. hosts similar walking tours 6月から8月まで。)

For a complete list of 2010 Jane’s Walks across Canada, check the Jane’s Walk website.

写真©キャロリンBの. ヘラー
