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ホーム » 移民


US-Canada border

“米の経済的苦境. are driving Americans across the northern border in near-record numbers as they seek better job opportunities and cheaper education in Canada.”

That’s according to a recent CTVニュースレポート, これは、カナダが発行したと述べた 35,060 米へのビザ. residents in 2010 and an additional 34,185 visas to Americans in 2011.

As the unemployment rate in the United States remains high, “it’s natural you’re going to see moreyoung Americans pursuing economic opportunity here,” said Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, 移民, と多文化ジェイソンケニー.

同様に, more American students are applying to Canadian universities 国境の南学費の高いコストを避けるために.

で完全なレポートを読む CTVNews.ca.

Are you an American moving, or thinking about moving, カナダへ? Leave a comment and share your story.

U.S.-Canada border photo by HeyRocker (Flickrの)
