Are You Smarter than a 10th Grader (カナダã«ã¤ã„ã¦)? Take this Quiz!
Do you know enough about Canadian history and government to pass the Canadian citizenship test?
ãã‚Œã¨ã‚‚ã‚ãªãŸã¯ (最低) smarter than the average Canadian 10th grader?
グレードã®ã‚°ãƒ«ãƒ¼ãƒ— 10 students recently challenged two Canadian journalists to a quiz show-style competition at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, where both teams answered questions from 出会ã†ã‚«ãƒŠãƒ€: 市民ã®æ¨©åˆ©ã¨è²¬ä»», the guide that newcomers to Canada use to study for their citizenship test.
- 誰ãŒãƒŽãƒ¼ãƒ™ãƒ«è³žã‚’å—賞ã—ã¦ã„る唯一ã®ã‚«ãƒŠãƒ€ã®ç·ç†å¤§è‡£ã§ã‚ã‚‹?
- When was the Canadian flag first raised?
- ケベック州ã®ãƒ¬Automatistesã¯èª°ã ã£ãŸ?
These questions are hard, eh? Take the “Are You Smarter Than a Canadian 10th Grader Quiz” ã“ã“㧠(and find out the answers).
Can you guess who won the competition, which pitted students from Ottawa’s Immaculataé«˜æ ¡ ã«å¯¾ã—㦠政治インサイドCBC journalists Kady O’Malley 㨠ãƒãƒ¼ãƒ©Â·ãƒšã‚¤ãƒˆãƒ³?
Get the story, and see who’s smartest, ã‹ã‚‰ 市民権移民çœã‚«ãƒŠãƒ€.
文明写真©ã‚ャãƒãƒªãƒ³Bã®ã‚«ãƒŠãƒ€åšç‰©é¤¨. ヘラー