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제출 2 ì›” 13, 2009 – 10:36 에노 코멘트

vancouverfireworks902817172_d0a9bfcb7a많은 미국인처럼, 우리 didn’t give Canada much thoughtuntil, 즉, 우리는 여기에 이​​동하기로 ê²°ì •. And looking back from north of the border, we became aware of howwhen the U.S. media mentions Canada at allit’s often in a “안녕, 이러한 예의 봐, beer-drinking, hockey-playing folksway.

In anticipation of President Obama’s upcoming visit to Canada 2 ì›” 19, 이 CNN.com article seems to be saying not justlook at Canada,” 하지만 “Canada is our neighbormaybe we should pay attention.A novel idea!

President Obama’s first foreign visit will be to Canada on February 19.

미국인, can you name the capital of Canada or its Prime Minister? Name three major news stories in Canada. 하키는 계산하지 않습니다.

좋아, 나는 당신을 도울 것입니다: automobiles, 아프가니스탄과 에너지.

답을, 읽기 rest of the column.

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