BC. greenest 지ì—입니다, 하지만 ëª¨ë‘ ìž˜ í• ìˆ˜
ê²½ì˜ë¥¼ ì§€êµ¬ì˜ ë‚ , ê¸°ì—…ì˜ ê¸°ì‚¬ë‹¨ 잡지 발표했다 “report card” measuring the “green rating” for each of Canada’s provinces and territories.
British Columbia ranked highest with a score of 69% — a C+. Ontario was in second place ì— 67%, ê·¸ë¦¬ê³ ë…¸ìŠ¤ 웨스트 준주는 세번째ì—왔다 ì— 66%.
그러나 Cì˜ ì˜ ìµœê³ ì„±ì , even these high-ranking locations have plenty of room for improvement.
ì— ë”°ë¥´ë©´ CBC 뉴스 리í¬íŠ¸ 연구ì—, BC. scored particularly well in green jobs, green buildings, ìœ ê¸°ë† ì‹í’ˆ, and energy efficiency.
The rankings for the other regions were: ìœ ì½˜ 57%, 누나 부트 준주 56%, 앨버타 55%, 노바스코샤 53%, 서스 ìºì²˜ ì› 50%. Several provinces receiving “failing” grades, including Quebec 49%, ë§¤ë‹ˆí† ë°” 46%, 뉴 브 런 즈윅 40%, 뉴펀들랜드 래브ë¼ë„ 38%, and Prince Edward Island at 32%.
The provinces were scored on ten categories — Air, 물, ìƒë¬¼ 다양성, 사람들, 건물, êµí†µ, ìŒì‹, í기물, ì—너지, and Toxics — worth ten points each.
ë„Œ í• ìˆ˜ read the full analysis, with an explanation of each category considered, ì´ì— ê¸°ì—…ì˜ ê¸°ì‚¬ë‹¨ special report.
Photo by aussiegall (플리커)