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뉴스 플래시: 캐나다 십대들은 실제로 그들의 부모 마음

제출 월에 21, 2009 – 1:05 오후노 코멘트

MotherDaughter청소년과 함께 캐나다로 이동? Then you’ll want to 에서이 게시물을 읽고 뉴욕 타임즈’ Motherlode 블로그:

Good news for parents. Your teenagers like you!

또는, 그들이 무엇을 당신은 캐나다에 거주하는 경우.

That’s according to 프로젝트 í‹´ 캐나다, a multi-year study of Canadian kids and teens, 주도 리스 브릿지 대학 sociologist 레지 Bibby.

Among the study’s findings:

캐나다의 오늘, young people are experiencing better ties with their mothers and fathers 지난 30 ë…„ 동안 청소년의 그룹보다. 거의 80% say theyare receiving high levels of enjoyment from their mothers” (까지 주변에서 70% 에 1992 and similar to what teens reported in the early 1980s), 그리고 대략 75% report enjoying being with their dads (또한, 최대 10 % 정도).

The evidence points to an improved level of understanding between young people and their parents. 에 1992, 58% of teens said they were troubled about not being understood by their parents; today the figure has fallen to 39%.

청소년도보고 fewer weekly arguments with their folks – down from 52% a decade ago to 42% 지금.

So why are Canadian teens finding it easier to get along with their parents?

The study concluded thatone basic reason seems to stand out: moms and dads are doing a much better job of finding a balance between careers and family life.”

You can read more details about the study from Professor Bibby’s 웹사이트. Also check out Macleansreport on Canadian youth culture and on other aspects of the Project Teen study.

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