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캐나다 데이: Party like it’s 1879

Changing of the Guard행복 캐나다 데이!

July 1st is the day that Canadians celebrate the anniversary ofì—°í•©” — the date that the country was first established on July 1st, 1867. 연맹에서 일어났다 있지만 1867, there was no holiday in honor of Confederation until 1879, when it was first celebrated as 도미의​​ ë‚ .

요즈음, the nation’s biggest Canada Day party 에서 발생 오타와, with concerts, ceremonies, and a variety of special events, culminating in a gala fireworks show over the Ottawa River. Headlining this year’s musical festivities is Grammy Award-winning singer 사라 맥라클란, who’s performing two shows on 의회 힐.

밴쿠버, there are Canada Day festivities at 캐나다 플레이스 과에 그랜빌 아일랜드. A 캐나다 데이 퍼레이드 조지아 Thurlow 거리를 행진합니다, beginning at 7pm, 및 fireworks will light up the sky over Coal Harbour after dark.

토론토, 많은 캐나다 데이 이벤트 have unfortunately been canceled this year due to the ongoing city employeesstrike.

에 몬트리올 퀘벡에서, the festivities are known as Célafête 및, as elsewhere, include plenty of entertainment and fireworks. There are lots of special events in 캘거리 및 에드먼턴, 너무.

And if you can’t get to any of the Canada Day festivities in person, 당신은에 조정을 í•  수 CBC’s special Canada Day coverage.

Do you have a favorite Canada Day tradition? 댓글을 남겨서 알려주세요..

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