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어느 캐나다 도시는 대부분의 이민자를 유치했다?

제출 9 ì›” 23, 2009 – 8:08 에노 코멘트

Toronto Pacific Mall당신은 토론토를 추측하는 경우, you wouldn’t be wrong.

The 토론토 metropolitan area, with a regional population of more than 5 백만, 대략 곳입니다 2.3 million people who were born outside of Canada.

But you might be surprised to learn that the Vancouver suburb of 리치몬드 is the city with the highest percentage of immigrant residents.

According to Richmond’s most recent census (2006), “Immigrants make up 57.4% of the city’s population, which is the highest proportion of any municipality in Canada.The immigrant population of Greater Toronto is just under 50% of the region’s total population.

이상 80 percent of immigrants to Richmond come from Asia 중동, particularly China (26.8%) 홍콩 (23%). 그냥 이상 10 percent come from Europe (especially the UK), with another five percent hailing from the Americas or elsewhere in the world.

흥미롭게도, a significant majority of Richmond’s immigrants have been in Canada long enough to have been granted Canadian citizenship. 이상 86% of Richmond residents are Canadian citizens.

캐나다 전역, 에 대해 20 percent of Canadian residents were born outside the country, approximately one out of every five people. 미국에서는, 반면에, immigrants make up only about 12 percent of the population.

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