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인터뷰를 구함: 미국은 일자리를 캐나다에 재배치

제출 4 ì›” 28, 2010 – 3:14 오후3 댓글

american-flagAre you an American who just moved to Canada for a job?

Or an American looking for work in Canada?

Then perhaps you can help with the following inquiry that I received today from a fellow journalist:

We’re working on a story about Americans who are interested in coming to Canada for career reasons. We’re looking to interview a professional who has either recently moved or is looking for a job in Canada, who works in banking, 재원, law or a similar industry that was harder hit by the recession in the US than here. We’re looking for someone with no previous connection to Canada (isn’t married to a Canadian, doesn’t have family here), who is moving here simply for their career, 때문에 순간, Canada is offering more opportunities because of the relative stability of our economy.

If youor any of your colleagues or friendsfit this profile, and you’d be willing to talk with a journalist about your experience, 제게 알려주세요.

Either leave a comment below or e-mail me directly: info [에] livingabroadincanada.com


3 댓글 »

  • 에리카 Skrine 말합니다:

    I mis-typed the e-mail. 내 사과

  • 에리카 Skrine 말합니다:

    I am currently moving to Canada through my job as a transfer for most of the reasons mentioned above. I am open to speaking about it.

    • 캐롤린 B ì¡°. 난폭자 말합니다:

      안녕하세요, 에리카:
      Thanks for offering to help, but the journalist who made the initial inquiry was researching this story last year. Perhaps I should have removed this blog post? 내 사과.

      Best of luck with your move. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need help or advice.
