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캐나다는 어떤 언어를 사용합니까? 새로운 인구 조사 보고서

제출 11 ì›” 15, 2012 – 7:27 에노 코멘트

Snow Route/Route de NeigeTwenty percent of Canada’s population, 또는 거의 6,630,000 people, speaks a language other than English or French at home, 에 따라 Statistics Canada의 최근 ë³´ê³ ì„œ.

The most widely spoken languages include Mandarin, 광동, 등의 중국어 방언을 할, 뿐만 아니라 펀자 브어, 스페인의, 타갈로그어, 아라비아 말, 이탈리아의, 우르두 말, 과 독일.

58% of the population (19,225,000 people) 집에서 영어로만 말을, 동안 18.2%, 또는 6,043,000, 프랑스어 만 말하고.

The vast majority — 9 out of 10 캐나다 — who speak a language other than English live in one of the country’s major cities, with most concentrated in the largest metropolitan areas: 토론토, 몬트리올, 밴쿠버, 캘거리, 에드먼턴, and Ottawa–Gatineau.

토론토와 밴쿠버, Chinese and Indian languages predominate, while Montreal and Ottawa have large concentrations of Arabic and Spanish speakers. 펀 자브, 타갈로그어, and Chinese are widely spoken in Calgary and Edmonton.

미국에서, 거칠게 20 percent of the population also speaks a language other than English at home. 그러나, that language is most likely to be Spanish. 미국에서는, 35 million people speak Spanish as their home languagemore than the entire population of Canada!

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