태그 기사: 올림픽

ì—ì„œ 2010 ë°´ì¿ ë²„ì™€ 휘슬러ì—ì„œ ë™ê³„ 올림픽, ì´ëŠ” ê¸ˆìš”ì¼ ì—´, February 12, 행동이 모두 눈이나 얼음에 있지는 않습니다.
이 지역은 또한 주최하고 있습니다 2010 문화 올림피아드 — a …

Thinking about relocating to British Columbia?
Coming to Vancouver this month?
With thousands of visitors traveling to Vancouver for the 2010 ë™ê³„ 올림픽, the government of British Columbia is hoping to use the Games to …

If you’re hoping to find work in Vancouver during the upcoming Winter Olympic Games, which run from February 12 — 28, it’s not too late.
Many tourism and hospitality businesses are still looking for …

Vancouverites have a well-deserved reputation for being active and outdoorsy.
If you’d like to join them but don’t want to go it alone, have a look at the City of Vancouver’s 활성 ì´ë²¤íŠ¸ ì¼ì •.
그것 …

If you’re looking for a place to live in Vancouver, ì‹ ê·œì˜ íž™í•© ìºë‚˜ë‹¤ ë¼ì¸.
This long-awaited rapid transit service that opened for business this week, linking downtown with the airport and the …